

Guía Informática es un sitio de aprendizaje sobre temas relacionados con sistemas informáticos, dirigidos a estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas, carreras relacionadas y aficionados de los sistemas de información.


Aprender haciendo

Las entradas y videos incluidos en el sitio están dirigidos a aprendizaje haciendo, como forma de lograr un aprendizaje significativo que favorece el desarrollo de capacidades .

Aprender a tu ritmo

La accesibilidad a los temas propuestos favorece el aprendizaje a tu propio ritmo, enfocando los ejemplos y procedimientos en temáticas específicas según el interés particular.


Esta forma de aprendizaje elimina las barreras de espacio y tiempo, facilitando la disponibilidad y accesibilidad a la información.

What other parents say

My son struggled with mathematics during his school years – until we enrolled him at Stratford. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his mathematics to a level we never thought possible!

― Anthony, Grade 8 parent

My daughter has loved being at Stratford for the last 5 yeras. The learning environment makes the difference and I’m so proud that she has been accepted into University next year!

― Megan, Grade 12 parent

Our Success


Puntuación: 5 de 5.

Since we opened in 2017 we’ve seen the lives changed of over 1000 students.


If our students don’t succeed, then we haven’t done our job. Our students have a 100% University acceptance rate!


Year on year we have consistently produced the results you are looking for for 5 consecutive years.

About Us

We are Stratford, a place of educational excellence.

We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills.


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